How to send official GRE and TOEFL scores to US Universities

This article will help you with your GRE score and TOEFL score sending procedure. Every US University requires the applicant to send official GRE and TOEFL scores, not the photocopies or scanned copies.

What are institution code and department code and how to select the department code?
For GRE as well as TOEFL, you will have to select the institute code of your University. Every University that accepts the GRE scores is assigned a unique institution code. Likewise, every University that accepts the TOEFL scores is assigned a unique institution code. Make sure you select the right University Institution code before sending the GRE and TOEFL scores to the concerned University.
Every department e.g. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering has been assisgned a specific department code. But even if you do not specify the department code, your scores will reach the University and based on your application the scores will be sent to the respective departments. Even if you fill the incorrect department code by mistake, you can just send a mail the Graduate office and your scores will be reported to the correct department.

Send TOEFL scores to 4 US Universities during registration
When you register for TOEFL, you can select 4 US Universities of your choice and ETS will send your official scores to the concerned Universities free of cost. Many times you are not sure of the Universities during registration. But, you are allowed to change your recipients up to 24 hours before your exam date. So, you can decide on the 4 Universities that you will be definitely applying and select them so that ETS will send your official scorecard to these US Universities. For every additional score reporting, you will have to pay extra $17. So, make full use of this facility provided by ETS.

Send revised GRE scores to 4 US Universities on test day
When you are finished taking your GRE, you can select 4 US Universities of your choice on exam day and ETS will send your official revised GRE scores to the concerned Universities free of cost. Many times you are not sure of the Universities during your exam. But do not leave the University recipient blank. Send GRE scores to any US University of your choice. For every additional score reporting, you will have to pay extra $25. So, make full use of this facility provided by ETS.

Sending additional score reports to Universities
Once you have taken your GRE and TOEFL exams, you have the option of sending additional scre reports if you require. You need to select the institute code and department code and send the GRE and TOEFL scores to those Universities. The score will be delivered in approximately 5-7 days to the Universities.
Cost for every additional GRE score report: $25
Cost for every additional TOEFL score report: $17